
  • A Psychosocial Sexual Development Disruption

    My involvement in a project recently has reminded me that my sexuality could still be, well, perhaps somewhat questionable? I don’t talk a lot about it, but when I was 15 years old I was abducted. At the time I was very involved in the church trying to pray away the gay. I’d been grappling…

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  • This And That

    This And That

    It would have been such a relaxing weekend, had it not been for the psychic fair. Rather than reveling in the near completion of my annual reports for work, I spent the days talking to strangers and reading their energies and auras. Saturday night we were all required to attend an extra special trance channeling…

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  • The Daily Grind

    The Daily Grind

    While it may appear that I’ve been napping on the beach in Baja, reality is just the opposite. Work is eating me alive and I’m still doing three people’s jobs in the middle of one of the two busiest seasons of the year. I really can’t cover it all. It’s just not possible and the…

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  • Independence and the Opening of the West

    Traders, explorers, hunters, and adventurers marked the paths over which destiny took its course, but it was the settler who, in the end, was most consequential in establishing the United States we now know. – Thomas Hart Benton It’s late at night and I can hear the sound of distant strings of firecrackers and small…

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