I Was a Teenage Puppetmaster!

Ok, while it is true that I’ve been incredibly busy this past month, I did still find time to blog. The only difference is I was doing it over here for the past month on a game called Puppetmaster. I thought when it started I could keep blogging both places, but with everything else on my plate one of them had to go so I stepped back from East West for awhile. I missed you all though, really, honest!

And Yes, I was The Puppetmaster! The Chat tonight rocked! It was hilarious and I can still feel my mind swirling trying to take it all in from both rooms at the same time. I had a blast and it was fun creating Rachael and pulling her strings. There were many questions tonight so I’ll highlight just a few here.

First off, I’m originally from Seattle so I chose a place I knew really well to not risk slipping up on geography. And yes, I did make a little mistake very early in the game that a contestant did catch. I posted as Rachael, then went back and posted as Philo, and when I saw it on the page it had Rachael’s name and picture with it instead of mine. My browser had reloaded the previous page and needless to say I FREAKED! But at least it was at 3 am, long before the serious traffic hit. Who would be up at 3 am besides me? Answer: Somebody. Oh, and Rachael’s pictures were of one my favorite people – my friend Jessica here in Oakland. Love ya Jessica! It was a trip running around looking for durian fruit and stuff with you too. Thank you.

It’s been a ton of fun and seriously, thanks everybody. I’ll probably blather on about it more over the next few days. Regular readers pardon me on this one. This game has occupied my life is such a bizarre way it will take a little getting used to returning to the real world. Throughout the game I’d want to go do one thing, but I knew Rachael would be getting home from work at that time and she would need to blog. It was weird being responsible for a person’s life who didn’t really exist. Big congratulations to Ashley for winning this thing. You rocked so hard and I love you to death. All that was just freakin theatrics, but I still won’t marry ya. Wink. And Eva, you are a total gem. I adore you and your friendship online, and other people like Nancy really made this whole thing worthwhile.

And with that I must say farewell. Goodbye Rachael. It was fun being ya. R.I.P. But what happens after a bunch of kooks spend an entire month snooping into each other’s lives while caught in the throws of paranoia, suspicion and intense competition? Post-Puppetmaster of course.

For those of you who missed the whole game, or just missed me this past month, you can catch up on some of what I’ve been up to in the posts below. A few are new and others have been edited and now include new content. And on another note – welcome to East West 2.0! We’ve been holding off on launching this until the game ended so hang out and enjoy. You’re all as welcome here as the flowers in Spring!