Flying Home

It was a crazy morning racing to get everything packed, the hotel taken care of and getting to the airport in time to make my flight. There was so much chaos at the airport, on top of the fact that neither Choire and I were functioning on optimum sleep levels, all of which contributed to my forgetting the other suitcase in the back of the truck. When I was checking in my luggage I suddenly wondered – “Uhm, Where’s my other suitcase?” Thankfully it wasn’t stolen, it’s just on a personal tour of Eastern Canada.

USAirways placed me next to an African American mother and her son on our one hour hop in the wrong to direction to Pittsburgh. She was terrified of flying. Taking off she kept saying “Lord Jesus” over and over and over with a frantic tone. Soon enough I was off the plane and in the middle of the largest Airport air mall in America. I didn’t feel up to doing any shopping though. I was exhausted from our adventures in Detroit and it was hitting me hard. I stepped into a bar to smoke a very needed cigarette and got bitched at by the cocktail waitress for not ordering anything. I finished my cigarette anyway defiantly.

Then I found a little breakfast in some tacky chain restaurant with an array of booze slurpees. Ham and egg and cheese bagel and I almost cried it was so good. Then it was time for the second plane of the day, this one bound for San Francisco. It was a very uneventul flight. The East Indian couple I shared the trip with were as sleepy as I was and the three of us crashed hard.

It’s amazing what you can learn reading Jane magazine. I didn’t know that Jay Bakker, son of Jim and Tammy Faye, was busy now with his own ministry to punk rockers, skaters and misfits at large. I didn’t know there were so many different things you can do with duct tape either. And with a little help from DJ Mart maybe Choire and I could have stayed in Detroit and risen to superstardom. You never know, right?

I left my car in long term parking and it only cost me $105 to get it out, about the same price of getting myself shuttled to SFO. Driving back I made my way through Bayview Hunters Point as a sort of reacclimation journey. The House Mate had finished a gorgeous backyard deck while I was away. The power has been put in as well and with a little luck we’ll have a hot tub in the backyard any day now. Luscious! I’m listening to Velvet Belly, that band from Norway I’ve been looking for. Thanks to CD Now this hard to find Norwegian import platter was waiting for me when I arrived. Very impressive female vocals and dark moody lush orchestration. There’s even an excellent cover of “The Man With the Child in His Eyes” by Kate Bush. Delicious. It’s so hot here today it feels fantastic. Perfect weather for a homecoming and a nap.